Naruto animation finished! No bitter! Do you think this is the end?

Time rush, with the spring of 2017, after the end of the comic book with the terminal Valley of a war, the animation began to talk about the future, the final valley after the last battle of what happened, has officially ended!Accompanied by a bit of the partner's appearance, in retrospect, already young not. With the end of the shadow, a generation of time to pass away, and then······
And then spread in April! It seems that the youth is not over, although the passage of time, but you will still be accompanied by wood leaves.

Ever since the end of the animation, the end point in Naruto and young days to the marriage hall. Peaceful leaves, grand wedding. And the end of the content, as the beginning of Naruto, Naruto's growth began in Iluka, the final end of marriage, and finally Iluka. It is very correct to have Iluka attend the wedding as a father.
Naruto's life experience, there are Iruka, since also, Kakashi's guidance, which, Iluka can be said to be the presence of the teacher, the first teacher, recognized the Naruto and given the Naruto Need love, so it can be regarded as worthy of the matter. Although the watergate in the world after death must shout someone usurped, since the coffin plate almost could not stop.

Of course, the thought of the death of the death, always extra of the heart. Think of Ning times, but also Zhai heart. But after all, is a good ending, this episode can be said to be full of warm feelings, can be said that a good ending. Of course the outcome, in addition to the memory of the lost partner, but also look at today's Morohito how. Can only say that the official set the CP or as always, but it is the most satisfactory, most want to see the scene, partners live in harmony, ninja daily. Of course it is regrettable that the proud pillars are not present.

Of course, this set down, have to say, this is the wood you want to see. Even if the lame with a leg and Lee together with the wedding day of the inverted weightlifting Kay, completely change my love Luo, a wave of the face of the odd than the ratio, this scene is looking at the original should be conceded after seven hundred Set the fans you want to see the fans. See Sasuke Naruto kill himself is very sad, but I love Luo Ye Hao, Qi Laby also Ye Hao, the battle to see you side by side fighting scenes, but the daily is also commendable.

This is looking at the people who grew up Naruto has been the scene of hope, once the lonely little man, sitting alone on the swing, talking to become a shadow, to change the world, carrying a fox, carrying With the eyes of contempt, burdened with no parents of pain. Once upon a time, Naruto, now a prince, has a pleasant partner; meet with the passing parents, with the existence of the same father, and those who are willing to accompany their own life. Career life win-win situation, and has long been off childish become mature.

And the same Sasuke, although a person walking in the world, but behind a group of partners, have love him Sakura, there are the most reliable partner Naruto. Even if there is hatred of ferret, even with the hatred of the family was hatred, even if born with loneliness and hatred, the embodiment of the dark, and now is not that the darkness of the Sasuke.

Looking at the ED screen, could not help but recall, the first episode began to now, more than ten years, accompanied by a generation of youth, a generation of childhood, with the growth of Naruto we have grown. Of course, the only difference is Naruto off a single, and we are single or single, the cause of nothing. The most heartbreaking that moment also in my heart, Asma, since the long door you, small South, Ning times, etc., in order to Naruto sacrifice of the Watergate couple, in order to kill the family of ferret leaves, Accompanied by sadness, along the way, and ultimately still come now.

Of course, the end of Naruto looks like a distant period ~ sudden notice, April 5 Bo people began to pass, Naruto's son to continue, the story of the end of the foreseeable future. Naruto grew up more than ten years, and then Bo ten years, all the end of the generation has been old, and the like? But it is certain that, accompanied by our shadow will continue to accompany us, seven generations of Naruto and Bo people will continue to write the story of Chuangqi, and Naruto will continue to misappropriating. The future has also been broadcast a lot of talk set, and ultimately to the Naruto wedding. And then blog to repeat the story, to the world after the change of the ninja world, accompanied by a glorious pace.

But Naruto's story is to come to an end, of course, as Naruto he will continue to be active, but Naruto has matured, blooming results, and therefore no longer have the time with the growth of Naruto. And therefore the passing of youth, after all, can not be pursued.

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